
Watch this! A beautiful beautiful thing. In fact, I keep watching this show via youtube and it’s really neat. So much better…

Cynic’s Guide

These made me laugh! Find more in the book.

Rabbit Hole

Still recall seeing Temper Trap and being blown away in 2010. What an incredible band to catch live –  so much energy, so much love.

They’ve released a new track (read: not a single) from their upcoming sophomore “epic” album titled “Rabbit Hole.” Unsure of my feelings initially, I anticipated something a take-away-my-breath anthem. It is more low key in the beginning. After replaying it multiple times on my Triple J (an Aussie radio station which plays the BEST selection of music) app, my heart began to soak it in. It’s currently 8AM, I just woke up from slumber, and can admit their new song was playing in my dream (a new phenomenon for me). Cannot possibly be more excited to see them live at a secret show tomorrow night.


Watch this, preferably over a glass of adult beverage and with good headphones on… Trust me.


Watch this, preferably over a glass of adult beverage and with good headphones on… Trust me.

Favorite movies of 2011.

Best movie of the past year is Last Night, hands down. It’s always a heartbreaking drama which tugs at my heart leaving a lasting impression… A must-see for any hopeful romantic. Second best is Beginners. I went shopping a few days after watching it, and ended up purchasing a red chiffon dress, and stripped blazer. Oh, irony.

Mission Impossible 4 & Rise of the Planet of the Apes were the only “blockbusters” I saw, both were surprising highly entertaining. Two documentaries which I recommend are about New York Times – Page One is about the media department, Bill Cunningham NY is about the man behind the lens of every Sunday edition’s Style sections. Both fascinating.

Here’s a quick list of 2011 releases I meant to catch but haven’t: Beautiful Boy, Sleeping Beauty, Cracks, Love, The Double Hour, The Time That Remains, Exporting Raymond, Carnage, Certified Copy, Tabloid, The Perfect Sense (!!), We Need To Talk About Kevin (!!), Weekend.

This is the caught-my-attention-with-quirky-poster list: Margaret, Textuality, Seconds Apart, Love Etc, Chameleon, I Melt With You, Love Crime, For Lovers Only (catch the pattern?), Hello Lonesome.

After the cut are movies I’ve seen, in a loose order of which I liked.
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